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Nebraskans for Civic Reform



Photo of Nebraskans for Civic Reform

Creating a modern and robust democracy for all Nebraskans

Nebraskans for Civic Reform (NCR) works to create a more modern and robust democracy for all Nebraskans.

We are a group of dedicated and politically diverse young Nebraskans who are committed to strengthening our democracy through youth civic leadership programs, civic health initiatives, and ensuring our elections are non-partisan, accessible, and modern.

NCR Staff and Board of Directors

NCR achieves this by engaging our youth in our community and building leadership skills through service learning and student driven experiential learning. Our civic health programs strengthens social connectedness, confidence in institutions, community engagement and political involvement in communities across the state in a data based approach created by the first ever Nebraska Civic Health Index and through the Civic Health Partnership, all managed by NCR. Finally, once people are engaged in their democracy, we protect voting rights through non-partisan litigation, advocacy, election observation, research, and policy work.

We believe that by engaging and connecting Nebraskans and improving political participation in general, that we will enrich the civic culture of the state, revitalize an interest in community and increasingly retain a talented and motivated population.

To accomplish this our three primary program areas are:

      1. K-12 civic engagement and service learning programs in urban and rural schools.
      2. Civic health initiatives across the state in both rural and urban communities.
      3. Non-partisan voting rights protection and Nebraska accessible elections policy and research

History: Nebraskans for Civic Reform was founded in 2008 by our executive director, Adam Morfeld while an undergraduate at the University of Nebraska Lincoln along with a group of politically diverse undergraduates and law students. Since then we have moved out of Adam’s dorm (thankfully) and grown to a staff of 60 full- and part-time staff based in Lincoln and Omaha.

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